Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"The Duality of Man", explained.

Many years ago, in an effort to culture myself and escape the drabness of business school, I took an art history elective.  Each day the professor showed slide after slide of paintings, photographs, sculpture, and architecture.  While doing so he did not merely introduce biographical information such as the artist and the date, he also delved into what each work symbolized.  It was an enjoyable class and a real eye-opener for me (it was a real eye-closer for others since it took place in a darkened room at 2:30 in the afternoon) and I would like to do the same for you all with my recent instagram post entitled "The Duality of Man":

"The Duality of Man" by @proctorstype, 2016
Get it?  If not, that is okay, there is a lot to examine here.  First, let me just say that art does not just happen.  Once the inspiration struck (a few beers in), I had a lot of planning and drinking to do.  Sure, there were many chores I could have been doing, but those are fleeting, whereas The Duality of Man will outlive us all.

Let's start with a comparison of the two pictured beverages.  What jumps out at you? Light vs. dark?  Mug vs. glass?  Economy vs. premium?  Random glassware vs. corresponding glassware?  Domestic v. import?  

Now apply this to the human condition.  No, really, apply it to the human condition right fucking now.  The keystones represent the every-man; they are easily obtained, they go down easy, and are fairly neutral, if not over-looked, in the grand scheme of beer.  A beer drinker could go through life pounding stoners and be perfectly content.  But is this what life is?  Is it merely a passing through in which mere satisfaction is the primary objective?  Or is there more?  

Look at the Guinness.  The Guinness is darker and heavier.  The Guinness is more respected and sought after.  But it does not come without strings attached.  The Guinness is more expensive and takes more time to pour.  Does Guinness represent a greater good or something far more sinister?   Must we strive for something?  Is man expected to just wait for the little bubbles to finally go away in order to drink from the cup of life?  (man, this is on point right now).  The renowned philosopher Brandon Flowers writes "if dreams come true, I get to drink the cup".  Is it that the Guinness, the "dream", is required in order to be fulfilled or should we bypass the dream and just start sucking down stones?  You tell me.  

Last but not least, look at Carl, perfectly placed in the center.  One may think that because he is a dog and "man's best friend" that he represents neutrality in this eternal struggle.  Maybe he is not the yin or the yang.  Well, all of that is wrong, he just happened to be laying there and he made the picture a hundred times better so I left him in.  Stop reading so much into stuff.

P.S.  I think this bad boy is good enough to satisfy one of my new year's resolutions.

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